Sheri Garcia, HCHI
(714) 337-1670

My name is Sheri Garcia and my husband and I used Hypnobabies during our first daughter’s birth and fell in love with the program.  I have always remembered being in love with babies and always knew I wanted to be a mom.  What was a pleasant surprise was how much I loved ALL the concepts and education that pregnancy and birthing entails.  I found myself talking with my family, friends and other pregnant women about Hypnobabies and how overjoyed I was in becoming an instructor and how exciting all of the material is.  I feel that is important to be informed because eliminating the “you don’t know what you don’t know” is very empowering and builds confidence in this journey of pregnancy and childbirth.  I am look forward to each and every opportunity I have to teach other mamma’s and their birth partners to use Hypnobabies to have a calm, more comfortable birthing. The tools that are used during pregnancy, birthing and postpartum are wonderful and I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you navigate through this adventure!

Hypnobabies class schedule


Sundays 10:00am-1:30pm