Linda Cummings, HCHI, H-D, CH
(714) 292-4681
Birth Day a Kinder Way is not only the name of my business, it is a Childbirth class I offer that can give you an opportunity to have the birth of your dreams. In addition to my Certification as a Hypnobabies Instructor, I am also a Hypno-doula and Master Hypnotist offering Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to individuals in Orange County at Life Renewal Hypnosis in Tustin . Additional training I have is: Certification in Sign Language Interpretation for the Deaf; I could teach you to communicate with your infant prior to their spoken language acquisition. I have a Bachelor of Science in Human Services and I am also a 2nd degree Reiki Practitioner. But most importantly, a well-rounded Hypno-grandma of two amazing Hypnobabies with another one on her way Earthbound in October.
Hypnobabies class schedule
JUNE - JULY 2019
June 8th – July 13th
8:30am – 12:00pm
Beach Cities Midwifery (Laguna Hills)
From an enthusiastic first-time mom:
Hunter is here!! He was born 1/13/14 at 7:57pm, 6 lbs 8oz, 17 1/2 in
Here is how it all began:
I started my “bloody show” 1/3/13, saw my doctor that Monday and she told me I was 2 cm dilated, 90% effaced so I had to lay low and try to make it until the following Monday when he would be 37 weeks. I started my early birthing time mid-Saturday (1/11/13), and it picked up pace a bit on Sunday. I just kept turning off and listening to multiple of the tracks to stay relaxed. It wasn’t particularly “fun” but completely manageable and not “painful”.
Monday I was seen at 3pm at the office and my doctor said I was 6cm and my water bag was leaking so I should head to the hospital, but to take our time. We went to grab a bite to eat and made it to Hoag by 5ish. My birthing waves were 3-5 mins apart and very pressure-full. We made it to the room just in time to watch the sunset which was so awesome. After that special moment I laid down, listening to my deepening track and felt my birthing waves change. I got up to use the restroom and felt my water bag completely break and immediately felt pushy. At that exact moment my doctor walked in, checked me quickly, told me to let two more birthing waves come and go then follow my body’s lead. At first I pushed on all fours then moved onto my right side with the nurse holding my left leg. The staff just quietly encouraged me and I pushed for about 30-40 minutes before he completely emerged! I was able to view the whole thing which was incredible.
Jason was great and took his water duty very seriously. I think he was slightly disappointed that he didn’t have time to read me any scripts but is thankful that it all happened so fast! It was truly perfect in every way from being at the hospital only 3 hours to not having a saline lock or even exam by the nurse before he was born! I felt a lot of pressure and burning at the very end but didn’t tear nor need an episiotomy. Dr. Lai and all the nurses were amazed at the ease of my birth and I give all the credit to God and Hypnobabies! It was an amazing, empowering, and wonderful experience. Hunter is the most precious thing I have ever seen. Thank you immensely for everything you taught us and helping us make this such a wonderful birth!
Linda’s Hypnobabies classes were just what we needed to be confident in our ability to birth the way we really wanted to. We felt so confident after our classes that even my husband who has not held a baby since my nephews were young over 10 years ago was not a bit nervous about having our first child. She is very thorough in her classes, yes, sometimes they go longer than expected but I’m all for it. We definitely got our money’s worth. I had such an amazing birthing experience and I attribute all of it to my attitude while being pregnant and Linda’s classes. We also used Linda as our doula which was great because I felt so comfortable with her since we had created a relationship during our classes. Thank you Linda for everything, it really couldn’t have been more perfect.